About Us
Sloane Square Choral Society was founded in January 2011. Since then, the choir has gone from strength to strength in their termly concerts, always performing to a full house. In the space of just two years, we have already commissioned three substantial works that the choir has performed to great acclaim along side famous classical works.
The choir is non-auditioned and we welcome anyone of any level, from absolute beginner to advanced. Oliver Lallemant (Musical Director) and Ben Williamson (Vocal Consultant) are always happy to discuss which voice part would be best suited if you’re unsure.
We rehearse every Monday evening 7-9pm during school term time. There’s no need to come to absolutely every rehearsal – just as many as you can manage. You’re also welcome to the rehearsals even if you know that you’re not available for the concert!
We are fortunate to be based in Holy Trinity Sloane Square SW1X 9BZ and hold all of our rehearsals and concerts there.
SSCS members freely receive singing workshops with Ben just before Monday rehearsals. This is an invaluable opportunity and we recommend that you arrive early for this if possible!
We first introduced Choral Scholars (one per voice part) in September 2011. They attend each rehearsal and provide essential support by being excellent musicians and singing the right notes...! Every term we provide audio files to the choir to assist in learning the music.
We ask for donations from choir members of £55 per term. We are committed to always providing excellent concerts and exciting music for our members but these are of course expensive. Donations go towards the many expenses that occur during the term. We would never want this to be prohibitive to membership, however, so if there is ever a problem, please do speak to me. We are able to collect Gift Aid from these donations so if you are a UK tax payer please do make sure you let us know so we can give you an envelope to fill in.
Spring Term 2016:
Rehearsals begin Monday 19th September and every Monday thereafter (including Bank Holidays)
The concert is on Sunday 4th December, 7pm – Handel's Messiah
Please see the schedule for more information.
We highly recommend that you purchase scores from us at one of the rehearsals (then you can do what you like with them!) Scores can also be borrowed.
If you have any further questions please email Harriet at admin@sloanesquarechoralsociety.com
We look forward to meeting you!
Olly, Ben and Harriet